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Ethno Media Associates Partner Showcase

Ethnic Radio

Five hundred miles into the Peruvian jungle is a town called Chazuta. It is surrounded by waterfalls, rivers, and cacao plantations. But natural beauty, delicious chocolate, and ornate pottery aren’t the only things that distinguish Chazuta.

The town is also home to a 1,000 watt regional shortwave transmitter, FM station, recording studio, and hostel for visiting producers. Welcome to Radio Logos, a small operation that’s impacting the lives of thousands of indigenous people across Peru.

Radio Logos

Radio Logos was built in 2012 as a collaboration between Ethnic Radio, HCJB global, and a local evangelical church. “We provide the tools and training,” says Ethnic Radio technician Ray Rising, “they do the rest.”

“They,” in this case, refers to the 120 local Christians who spent 2 years planning and praying for the project, the elderly woman who donated her land for the site, the men who helped build it, the women who cooked for the workers, and the countless volunteers who produce the programs and keep the station running.

All this effort is having a big impact. Radio Logos’ shortwave transmission broadcasts the gospel into the neighboring department of Loreto —Peru’s largest and most remote region. It is comprised of thousands of miles of dense jungle, flood plains, and numerous rivers, including the mighty Amazon itself. The broadcast has even reached parts of Brazil and Ecuador!

The Chazuta radio station services some 200,000 indigenous people who listen to the transmission on solar-powered, fixed-tuned Galcom radios.

Radio Logos broadcasts programs in eleven of the 17 languages in the listening area. Among them: Bora, Junicui, Ticuna, Pastaza, Quechua, and Achuar.

In adition to the shortwave transmitter, Radio Logos added an FM transmitter in 2018 for the 48,000 speakers of San Martín Quechua that live around Chazuta.

Radio Logos isn't the only station that Ethnic Radio has helped establish, or support.

Ethnic Radio has also helped establish radio stations among the Guambiano people of Colombia, in Llata (deep in Peru’s central Andean range) and several other locations. More stations are in the works, pending licensing, approval, and funding.